Seven Body Changes You Might Not Have Noticed But Have Experienced During Pregnancy

A missed period and two red lines only mean one thing, you're pregnant! With all the celebration that goes along with pregnancy, you might not have noticed certain body changes that transpired in preparation for that little bundle of joy.

Yahoo News shared seven bodily changes that you might not have noticed but experienced during pregnancy.

1. Swollen gums

When you're pregnant, blood flow all over the body becomes stronger, which makes your gums swollen and sensitive. Don't be surprised if one morning you flossed and subsequently found some blood in your mouth.

2. Increased Sex Drive

Many women experience an increased sex drive during pregnancy because of a surge in blood flow concentrated in the vaginal area, especially during the second trimester. Although this may differ from one woman to another, fact is, a lot of pregnant women have experienced this.

3. Vaginal Bleeding

Being pregnant does not necessarily mean that you will no longer see any blood stain on your panties. Many women still undergo some spotting or seeing some blood similar to having a period.

4. Swollen Legs and Feet

Yes, it's not only the gums that get swollen during pregnancy. You can expect your legs and feet to increase in size when you're pregnant. They would often be tender to the touch. Don't worry, they'll just shrink back after giving birth.

5. Difficulty Controlling Bladder

Due to the pressure that the baby makes on the bladder, peeing uncontrollably when sneezing can be expected. Again, this is normal; doing so does not make you an unhygienic person.

6. Heavier Discharge

One of the signs of pregnancy is that vaginal discharge becomes heavier. Hence, it's better to bring extra panties if you are on the road for several hours.

7. Paranoia

Pregnant women get paranoid over the slightest things, most especially if they did something which may hurt the baby. "I did this..., was it okay for the baby?" You might not have noticed it but you have already called your doctor several times in a month asking the silliest questions.

Aside from the seven changes you will experience above, Parents has also outlined other things that you are most likely to undergo whenever you're pregnant. For sure, you will experience food cravings, extreme sleepiness, and feeling tired all the time.

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