‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Release Date, Cast & Update: Rey Is The Daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia? Here Are Some Theories You Might Want To Believe In

The success of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is undeniable after it has been named as one of the top-grossing films of all times. One character who captured the hearts of many is Rey (Daisy Ridley), however, several fans have been wondering where she came from.

Here are some of the fans' theories you would like to consider:

1. Rey is not a daughter of Luke Skywalker.

While some "Star Wars" followers claim that Rey is the daughter of Luke Skywalker, the actor who play the well-loved character thinks otherwise. Known for perpetually dropping hints on ht upcoming "Star Wars Episode 8," Mark had been very close to fans through conventions and regular interaction via social media.

As a matter of fact, one fan once asked Mark about the sexuality of his character in the "Star Wars" series. To the dismay of many, the actor had not confirmed or denied anything, which left the idea of speculations.

Known for making a major stir on the possibility of LGBT characters in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," Mark said that the sexuality of Luke Skywalker is open for the fan's interpretation. That being said, "Star Wars" fanatics then started speculating that, after all, Rey is not a daughter of Luke.

Whether or not this is true, no one can confirm yet.

2. Rey is the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia.

As per Cinema Blend, there is a huge possibility that Rey is the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia. In fact, the entertainment news website claimed that it was the primary reason as to why Han Solo instantaneously felt comfortable to be working with Rey the first time he encountered her.

Moreover, fans speculate that making Rey a crew of the Millennium Falcon might be one of Han Solo's ways to get close to his rumored daughter and to make up for the years he has not seen her. So far, no official statement has been released whether this is true or not.

3. Rey is a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"He's been romantically linked with both Siri Tachi and Satine Kryze over the years, so it's possible he had child who had a child," the entertainment news outlet stated in a report. "The two dress similarly, both are proficient with the Jedi mind trick, and Rey climbing around like a monkey on Starkiller Base calls back Obi-Wan hiding out on the first Death Star. Though we hear both Luke and Yoda in her vision, the combined voices of Obi-Wans Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness say, 'Rey, these are your first steps.'"

Other theories making rounds for quite some time now includes: 1) Rey is related to Kanan Jarrus; 2) Rey is related to a yet-to-be-unveiled Jedi-connected brood; and 3) Rey is not related to anyone.

Meanwhile, "Star Wars Episode 8" is slated for release on Dec. 15, 2017. Up to this writing, very little is known about the upcoming film. Just tune in on Parent Herald for more updates and spoilers!

What theory do are you buying? Do you think she is really a daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia? Share to us your own theories in the comment section below.

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