Destiny Update For February: Game Modes, Multiplayer Maps And Upcoming Event

The new update of Destiny this February has a lot of changes on how the Crucible runs and it also added an option for the lone-wolf and will try to save gamers who have bad connections. The company also talked about the two latest playlists for Crucible --Freelance 6v6 and Freelance 3v3 -- and with these new modes, gamers can't join if they have a team already.

With the Freelance 6v6 or 3v3, it means to improve the gaming experience of the enthusiasts and for them not to encounter a team with a better coordination to win the game. The maps Clash, Control and Rift are for the Freelance 6v6 while Salvage, Elimination and Skirmish is for Freelance 3v3 according to Gamespot.

The matchmaking that was introduced last event, Iron Banner is now being applied for Rumble, Control and Skirmish. It will also be applied to Trials Of Osiris and then the Crimson Doubles, a new mode for this Valentine's Day, and lastly the Clash but of course, Bungie's goal, for all the Crucible, reported by the site Polygon, is to update the settings.

"Damage Referee," the new element is to make sure that the gamers will have a good experience if they have a good connection while gamers that have a bad connection will have a not-so-good gameplay. The gamer that has poor connection makes them less prioritize.

Final adjustment of the game is the ammo, gamers will have to wait for the special ammo to pop up instead of spawning with the special ammo already. Bungie will change all 3v3 map or the game types or any rotating playlist for the sake of the primary weapon to be useful.

Derek Carroll shared that they wanted the primary weapon to be useful like the shotguns and Sniper rifles perhaps and they wanted to stall the gamer's satisfaction. For the 6v6 there will be no changes regarding the special ammo since it has a larger map thus giving more reason to have a special ammo when the game starts since smaller maps are considered to be harder so they want the primary weapon to be that useful as he added.

The update will be released on the 9th of this month, 10 AM PST. It will introduce the Valentine's Day event with 2v2 mode.

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