Fans and followers who enjoyed Guillermo Del Toro and Hideo Kojima's work in Konami's "Silent Hills" are excited to see Del Toro and Kojima together again. Granted it will not be the continuation of "Silent Hills" or even a replacement to "Silent Hills" but fans are hopeful nonetheless.
Polygon reports that DICE Del Toro and Kojima will actually be onstage together during the DICE Summit in Las Vegas this month. The Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain or DICE Summit is a yearly convention for leaders and executives in the video gaming industry.
This year, Del Toro and Kojima are allocated a full afternoon's session called "A Conversation with Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro." Among other things, Del Toro and Kojima will be speaking about the sources of their individual inspirations as well as a few historical moments in their respective careers. The session will be facilitated by video game journalist Geoff Keighley.
The DICE Summit will also be the occasion for Hideo Kojima's induction into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame. Kojima is the 21st recipient of this award. He will be receiving the honor in recognition for his best-selling creation, the "Metal Gear Solid" series. Interestingly, Guillermo del Toro has been asked to present Kojima the award during the D.I.C.E. Awards ceremony on the last day of this year's summit, February 18, 2016.
Ironically, Kojima left publisher Konami in 2015 over a controversy involving "Metal Gear Solid 5." The fallout led to Konami preventing Kojima from accepting the 2015 Game Awards honor for the year's Best Action Game, Metal Gear Solid 5. As The Independent reported Keiffer Sutherland, who was the voice actor for Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5, was asked to stand in. Konami used legal representation to issue the ban against Kojima at the 2015 Game Awards. This controversy was also the cause of the abortion of Del Toro and Kojima's collaboration over "Silent Hills" under Konami.
Woke up middle of night and couldn't get back to sleep.
— HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) January 19, 2016
According to Movie Pilot, fans are holding their breath for news of a new Del Toro-Kojima's project after the DICE Summit. This hope may have some basis if Kojima's Twitter post of a photo of his Kojima Productions logo beside Guillermo Del Toro's sketchbook.