TV For Kids: The 8 Best TV Shows For Children

The time will come when your children will become very interested in watching television. It is therefore very important for parents to know the very best TV shows for children.

PARENTING has compiled a list of the top TV programs that parents need to get for the kids. They will definitely have a fun time watching these shows while learning some valuable lessons in the process.

"Voltron" is the first on the list. It is the story of a group of friends that join forces to form a gigantic robot and fight off evil. Kids will have a great time watching all of the action while learning the value of friendship and cooperation.

"Are You Afraid of the Dark?" is another great TV show for kids. It is very entertaining to watch and is scary enough to thrill young audiences.

Next on the list is "Mr. Wizard's World". It is a show about neighborhood kids visiting Mr. Wizard's house to witness his unbelievable science experiments. This show can help ignite kids' interest and fascination with all things science.

Another great show for kids is "The Smurfs". "Papa, Baby, Smurfette and the gang taught kids how to work together, that everyone is good at something and how to use the word 'smurf' as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb," the article shared.

"Duck Tales" is also a great TV show for kids. It has a catchy theme song and memorable characters such as Donald, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Uncle Scrooge.

Next on the list is "Transformers". Many kids all over the world are still obsessed with fantastic vehicles transforming into large robots to protect humanity. It is a great show to boost the kids' creativity and imagination.

"Under the Umbrella Tree" is also on the list. Children will enjoy the strange and colorful characters such as Gloria Gopher and Iggy Iguana and their simple but relatable adventures and stories.

"Scooby-Doo" is also one of the best TV shows for children. "The most ham-handed of children's shows try to stuff a moral message down the audience's throat. But the moral code of Scooby-Doo permeates the entire enterprise without you ever noticing it," Slate explained.

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