Is Marijuana Safe For Morning Sickness? Doctors Still in Debate If It Can Help Pregnant Women Over Nausea

Medical marijuana is slowly making its way into the medical world by providing endless medicinal properties. One of weed's greatest breakthroughs that made the headlines is marijuana's capability to relieve morning sickness.

Since morning sickness doesn't really have a cure, the most that pregnant moms could do is to look for alternative treatments that can alleviate their nausea and vomiting. As per The Daily Beast, Trinity Dogood shared her morning sickness cure stating that she was overwhelmed by the effectivity of smoking marijuana in terms of easing her dreaded morning sickness.

"I couldn't stop heaving long enough to take a hit from the pipe, so he took a hit and blew it into my face," Dogood said. She then added that after she inhaled the smoke, Dogood felt hungry for the first time in months and her urge to throw up eventually disappeared.

Though marijuana is said to be effective in relieving morning sickness, Dogood's doctors didn't approve of her alternative cure stating that it can potentially have a negative effect on her unborn child. On the other hand, Medical Daily stated that one study which was published back in 2014 in the "Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health" stated that mothers who suffer from morning sickness/ severe nausea "were significantly more likely to report use of marijuana during pregnancy than those who did not report severe nausea."

Though the research came into conclusion that marijuana does alleviate morning sickness, marijuana use before pregnancy on the other hand can potentially increase the chances of women to suffer from nausea once impregnated.

In addition to the team's conclusion, it was stated that, ""Although medical use of marijuana has been legal in Hawaii for some time, the issue is still accompanied by significant controversy within the state, as it is in the rest of the country, more research is needed to investigate the exact nature of the relationship between marijuana use and severe nausea during pregnancy, as well as to quantify other risks to mother and fetus associated with marijuana use during pregnancy."

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