The 6 Best Tips To Help Kids Spend Less Time With Gadgets And Explore Nature

It has become a common sight to see children entertain themselves and pass the time by staying indoors and using electronic gadgets like tablets, smartphones and laptops. Fortunately, there are effective tips to help kids spend less time with gadgets, explore nature and enjoy childhood adventures.

My Kids Adventure shared some of the ways to help kids break free from spending all their leisure time with electronics and go outside to experience the world around them instead of spending much of their time in front of a computer or holding a smartphone. Hopefully, these tips will be able to help parents open up a more compelling and interesting world for their children.

The first tip is to practice what you preach. If parents want their children to explore and experience nature, then they have to lead by example. Parents have to spend less time on gadgets so that their kids can follow their lead.

Another tip for parents is to tell their kids about their own exciting outdoor stories when they were young. Encouraging them to find their own adventures outside can also help your children spend less time with their gadgets.

Reading together outside is another effective way to encourage kids to explore nature. "Reading stimulates the imagination, especially when it's done outside, say in a tree house," the article shared. "Look for nature adventure books, particularly those with young protagonists."

The next tip on the list is to take advantage of sunny days. Whenever the sky is sunny and beautiful, parents should encourage their kids to go out, explore and play around.

Lastly, parents should not forget to go on hiking with their kids. Hiking can strengthen family ties and give new unforgettable experiences for everyone.

In a separate article posted in Huffington Post, one of the tips to help kids spend less time with gadgets and explore nature is to not show fear when spending time outdoors with kids. "Find a worm? Ohh and ahh; don't screech. Spiders? Cool! 'Let's look up what kind it is!' Kids walk in covered in mud? Don't freak out. Laugh about it and make them do their own laundry. Clothes are totally replaceable. Kids and nature are not."

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