A 20-year-old mother Hannah Yarker was stunned after knowing that her newborn twins have different skin colors. Yarker said that she couldn't believe she has one of each.
According to Pop Sugar, she and her husband Kyle Armstrong didn't imagine that this situation could happen to them. Yarker has a fair light skin while Armstrong who has a mixed race, was born with darker skin.
Yarker and Armstrong's twins were born in April. The twins were named as Anaya and Myla. Yarker said that Anaya has Yarker's fair skin tone while Myla got her father's darker skin tone. Reports said that this occurrence is a one in a million chance.
A photo posted by hannahyarker (@hannahyarker) on Nov 19, 2015 at 2:00am PST
"At first, both the girls had a purple tone to their skin, but they looked darker so I assumed they'd both taken after Kyle. Yarker said "But after two weeks, it was clear Myla takes after her dad with dark skin, brown eyes and brunette locks while Anaya is more of a mummy's girl with a pale complexion, fair hair and light eyes.
Yarker said that she couldn't walk in an aisle of a supermarket without getting stopped. Apparently, a lot has been asking the pair about their twins' skin color and some of them couldn't believe that the twins are related.
A photo posted by hannahyarker (@hannahyarker) on Sep 15, 2015 at 4:19am PDT
Reports also said that twins are now developing different personalities. Yarker said that Myla is mostly the active one while Anaya is more on chill and laid back. The mom of twins has said that they are nearing their 1st birthday and she's nothing but excited.
There were also early reports about the 18-year-old mixed raced twins named Lucy and Maria Aylmer. The twins revealed that they have been constantly showing their birth certificates to their friends because no one believed they are related. Some of their friends even thought that one of them is adopted.