Mariah Carey' was on fire after being attacked by several parenting police. The singer-actress was placed on a hot seat as followers started to question her parenting skills in terms of raising her four-year-old twins, Monroe and Moroccan.
Mariah Carey gathered numerous backlashes for posting a photo of herself with her twins. Though her Instagram post looked like a normal family photo that got up from bed, what caught her followers' attention, however, was Moroccan's pacifier.
Movie night! #RocThinksHesOnARollerCoaster
A photo posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on Feb 1, 2016 at 7:57am PST
One user stated, "Roc still has a pacifier-at 5 years old. Anyone else notice this?" and another follower added, "Rocky and Mariah, go back like babies and pacifiers?"
Though Mariah Carey's ex-husband, Nick Canon already tried to wean the twins off pacifiers, the singer, however, thinks it's too early.
In one of her Instagram post, Carey uploaded a photo which was captioned:
"Now listen ... Daddy will be quite perturbed when he sees this chile with a binky but he JUST turned 2! why deprive them so soon? I know, I know.. Nick is right .. 'C'mon! #beautiful #mommycanttakeit!"
Morrocan isn't the only celebrity toddler that's having problems with letting go of their pacifiers. According to ABC News, Suri Cruise also made the headlines as the 5-year-old was photographed with a pacifier.
The photo gathered negative feedback, mostly from other parents stating that she's too old to suck on pacifiers. "By the time babies reach their first birthdays, they are definitely ready to lose the binky and move on," Ari Brown, a pediatrician from Austin Texas said.
Brown then added, "I think parents allow the binky to remain in their child's life long after infancy because life just seems easier with it around, It only gets harder to take away as your child gets older."