7 Super-Happy Foods That Can Boost Your Mood And Make You Feel Awesome

Sometimes you experience depressive moods or sudden mood swings probably due to fatigue, inadequate sleep, negative thoughts or over-thinking of different things. In your effort to stabilize your moods, you seek for many ways to help you out. Don't fret as this list aims to let you realize that the power of food alone can boost your mood as it releases endorphins and seems to eliminate your mood swings.

The Telegraph gathers the following foods that are known to make you happier and can make you feel awesome by consuming them:

1. Chocolate

Most people whether young or old crave for chocolates. This is because chocolates make them feel better. This sweet treat has theobromine that acts as a healthy stimulant.

The dark chocolate contains a mineral that reduces anxiety and calms your muscles. It also has a compound called tryptophan that also reduces the symptoms of depression.

2. Greens

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and kale have endorphin-boosting properties. They contain vitamins B6 that prevents anxiety and feelings of depressions.

Cosmopolitan states that spinach is antioxidant that protects your brain cells from free radicals and can boost your mood, too.

3. Avocado

Avocado contains choline that increases your serotonin levels which can contribute to making you happy. It is also responsible for maintaining mood balance and is good for nails, skin and hair.

4. Chili

Chili spices up your nerves and releases natural endorphins or opioids that can make you feel good. It also eliminates pathogens, bacteria that cause diseases.

5. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nut is another source of happiness. It is rich in selenium that also boosts the serotonin levels. Limit your intake of Brazil nut with only 2 to 3 nuts because it is high in fats.

6. Green Tea

Drinking green tea can lower the levels of psychological stress by 20 percent. It contains threonine which has antioxidant properties -- acting as a calming agent.

7. Fruits and Veggies

The intake of fruits and veggies can make you calm, strong and happy, according to some studies.

So, when you are down or feeling blue, try eating these super-happy foods that can make you cheerful and feel contented -- naturally making you in high spirits!

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