Ongoing disagreement with Pope Francis notwithstanding, former Robert Pattinson-Kristen Stewart "Twilight" team-up fan Donald Trump recently spoke out about Michael Jackson. The result, as seems usual with The Donald, is Michael Jackson's family taking offence. In this case, Jermaine Jackson is the responding family member.
According to ET, Jermaine Jackson responded to Donald Trump's comments about the aesthetic surgeries that Michael Jackson underwent while he was alive. Trump claimed, during the CNN Republican Townhall in Columbia, South Carolina, to being an insider to Michael Jackson's real story because MJ lived in Trump Tower for a while. Jackson came into the conversation when Trump was asked about his favorite music. After citing Elton John and the Rolling Stones, Trump proceeded to talk about Michael Jakcson's life as he supposedly knew.
"He was an unbelievably talented guy," Trump said. "He lost his confidence. He lost tremendous confidence because of, honestly, bad, bad, bad surgery. He had the worst. He had people that did numbers on him that were just unbelievable. Facially, you know, the plastic surgeons."
Donald Trump maintained that Michael Jackson was very talented. He said, however, that loss of confidence may affect a person even as far as to cause the person to lose his talent.
Michael Jackson, who had been portrayed unflatteringly by media over his bleached skin being Jackson's denial of his black roots, had actually suffered from a skin condition called Vitiligo. An earlier report by Entertainment Weekly quoted Oprah's interview with Michael Jackson as he spoke about his skin condition.
Vitiligo caused uneven lightening of the skin throughout Jackson's skin and body. The King of Pop eventually had to resort to bleaching to even out the damage that Vitiligo caused. Next to bleaching, Michael Jackson's cosmetic surgery were also frequently blown out of proportion.
MJ's brother and Jackson 5 co-singer, Jermaine Jackson was deeply offended by Trump's words. Jermaine, who authored a book on Michael Jackson called "You Are Not Alone: Michael, Through A Brother's Eyes" voiced out on Twitter and called Trump out.
'Friends' don't pay tribute by peddling b.s. theories about Michael's 'loss in confidence'. This fool Trump needs to sit down.
— Jermaine Jackson (@jermjackson5) February 19, 2016
"'Friends' don't pay tribute by peddling b.s. theories about Michael's 'loss in confidence,'" Jermaine said in his tweet. "This fool Trump needs to sit down. Michael's confidence was affected by the pressures, injustice and vitriol of external circumstances. Period. Name-dropping Michael don't make you cool and won't win you votes. Especially when using botched facts."