An extremely cute cross-eyed cat is slowly gaining popularity on Instagram. The pet often referred to as the "worried cat" has captured the attention and hearts of his social media followers.
WVTM13 reported that the cat, named Bum, now has more than 16,000 followers on his official Instagram account. He has more than 30 photos mostly showing his daily routine.
Courtney Morman, Bum's owner, told ABC News that she thought of posting photos of his cat on social media to make people happy. She claimed that she also wanted to send a message that it would be better to adopt cats and not shop for them.
Bum's Instagram account revealed that he was a rescued cat from the San Diego Humane Society kitten nursery back in 2014. "My story starts in sunny San Diego, California. At 5 weeks old I was brought to the San Diego Humane Society Kitten Nursery by a Good Samaritan with my 4 siblings. My mom was working there and fell in love with my charm, spunky attitude and obviously... my silly eyes!" the caption of his first photo read.
A photo posted by Bum (@worried_cat_aka_bum) on Jan 24, 2016 at 11:19pm PST
It was also noted that Bum had other siblings when he was abandoned then taken to the nursery where his new pet owner works. Morman claimed that she named her pet after her favorite baseball player Madison Bumgarner, a pitcher for the San Francisco Giants.
She also said in the WVTM report that Bum's eye condition does not really affect his vision. The cat is believed to have an abnormal position of his eyeball.
"His eyes and lids are also shaped a little funny, but other than that, he's totally fine. He's been seen by a vet and nothing is wrong with him," Morman told ABC News.
She claimed that despite the condition, Bum is still very active. "[He has] sharp vision and he loves to catch bugs and chase down toys," she added.