10 Simple and Health-Giving Baby Food Recipes; No.7 Is A Hearty One For Your Baby

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization advise the mothers to breastfeed their babies for the first six months. Afterward, parents can feed their babies solid foods, according to health and breastfeeding experts.

Meanwhile, Kelly Mom states that a baby is ready to eat solid foods if he can sit up well without support, willing to chew, does not put solids out of his mouth, can pick food and eager to participate in mealtime. Then, he's ready for a taste of life!

Parenting shares the following list of healthy baby food recipes that your baby would surely enjoy eating:

1. Avocado

Peel an avocado and blend or chop it into bite-sized pieces. Then, puree chips or crackers in food processor. Pour on top of avocado pieces and toss them.

2. Beans, Banana

Crush white beans with a small amount of milk and Alfredo sauce. Stir and combine with prepared pasta. You may also mash a banana. Babies love mashed bananas.

3. English Muffin

Top the English muffin with light canned tuna, plain yogurt and cheese. Bake it for 8 to 10 minutes.

4. Fish Sticks

Slice 1/2 pound salmon, cod or halibut fillet into 1-inch strips. Prepare 1/3 cup whole wheat flour, 2 eggs and 2 tbsp. milk and mix them well. Coat the fish with the egg mixture and top it with ground organic potato chips. Bake it for 6 to 7 minutes.

5. Grapefruit

Top a sliced grapefruit without seeds with vanilla yogurt.

6. Hummus

Get a toast or pita bread or crackers and spread them with hummus.

7. Lemon Yogurt Pancakes

Prepare 1 cup whole grain pancake and mix it with 1/2 cup lemon yogurt.

8. Milkshake

Blend 3/4 cup berries and mix it with 1 cup milk, 1 cup yogurt and 1 tsp honey.

9. Pineapple

Mash pineapple with a little cream cheese. Spread it on crackers.

10. Yams

Peel a yam and diced with apples then mash them. Add a little butter.

Let your little one enjoy his or her platter -- such a wonderful gift of life.

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