4 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Child Make Friends

Making friends is an important part of growing up. It helps children learn social skills and feel happy. However, some kids struggle to make friends. They might feel shy. Some also feel unsure of how to talk to other children. This can be tough for families.

Parents play a big role in helping their children make friends. There are things they can do to support their kids.

We will look at four ways parents can help their children make friends without overstepping.

Make Sure They Are Near Other Children of the Same Age

Take your child to play at a park. This gives them access to other children their age or near their age. Once they are at the park, let them decide who to talk to. Also, let them decide what extent to play with each other.

Remember to only bring your children to places that fit their personality. Shy children may thrive more in a class with small group activities. Active kids could enjoy more in a crowded jungle gym or playground.

Model the Behavior of a Good Friend

Children mimic behavior. If they see you apologize for bumping into someone, they will do the same.

Teach them how to interact positively with their friends. Also, teach them to respond appropriately during conversations.

Do not intervene if your child fails to play or maintain a conversation. This experience can help spur growth.

Teach Social Skills

Apart from behavior, teach your child social skills. Allow them to practice how to introduce themselves. Teach them questions to ask to start a conversation. Help them learn how to handle social situations.

Children who struggle with social interactions can be given a "social script." This will help them practice everyday conversations.

Encourage Shared Interests

Your child can make friends with peers with similar interests. This could be through school activities and hobbies. If your child loves painting, consider signing them up in art class. Sporty children could meet like-minded peers in sports class.

Encourage your child to be more involved in clubs or community events. This gives them opportunities to meet new friends regularly.

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