A first-grade Texas teacher has been fired after revoking bathroom privileges for her students, preventing them from using the restroom for hours which resulted in some students soiling themselves.
Ashley Barrera, who worked at Bartlett Elementary School, told parents around 3 p.m. last Wednesday that she had revoked bathroom privileges for the entire class as punishment for misplacing a restroom pass. In a text message, she apologized for the children who ended up peeing themselves as a result of the punishment, reported the Texas Scorecard.
"Hello parents. I want to inform you about an incident that happened today. Today my class lost their privilege to use the restroom during class, because they lost their restroom badge while being in the hallway. Unfortunately, we had some friends who needed to use the restroom and ended up peeing on themselves," wrote Barrera.
"I do want to apologize for that incident. I had [a] talk with the students about how important it is to use our thing appropriately, but please have a talk with them about that as well. For I know that if we both help them understand the rules, they will understand it better. Again, I apologize for those who had an accident, please know that they will have new badges tomorrow. Thank you. Feel free to call me if you have anything to discuss," she continued.
Ashley Barrera, the 1st-grade teacher responsible for kids letting them pee themselves because they lost bathroom "privileges" has been fired by Conroe ISD Bartlett Elementary.
The students were barred from bathroom access from noon till the end of the school day after losing the bathroom pass at lunchtime. One parent, Amber Johnson, whose daughter was in Barrera's class, revealed that students repeatedly requested bathroom access, which Barrera continued to deny. At least 6 students ended up relieving themselves in the classroom after being denied.
"So initially, we were told two, after we as parents got into a group and started talking more, it has come down to be there's about six who actually soiled themselves and had accidents," said Johnson.
Conroe ISD released a statement revealing that Barrera was no longer employed by Bartlett Elementary School on Friday.
"Bartlett Elementary and District administrators were made aware of a situation after school dismissed on Wednesday in which a first grade teacher at the school denied students access to the restroom as a punishment. We have conducted a comprehensive investigation, and the teacher is no longer employed by Conroe ISD," the statement read.
Originally published by Latin Times.