5 Surefire Ways to Embarrass Your Kids

The act of embarrassing your kids works both ways. It can be seen as a premeditated modus operandi to discipline them or merely a tactless move that induces lifelong nightmares. Whether your purpose is to do the former or avoid the latter, here are five surefire ways to get it done.

1. Trying to be funny in front of their friends

The key word here is "trying." If your jokes are actually funny, then good for you and everyone involved. But when the punchlines aren't landing, its best to call the whole bit off. The Guardian noted that the elderly's brand of humor is more likely to produce rolled eyes from teenagers rather than laughs.

2. Exposing too much skin

May it be at home or in public, keep those flabs or chest hairs away from your kids' eyes, especially when they're with their friends. More often than not, it's the youngsters who will get ridiculed for their parents' ghastly display.

3. Getting all cute and cuddly with them in public

According to Family Life, adolescent children are learning to be independent. They want to fend for themselves and start deciding things on their own. Being too affectionate to your child and making them feel like little babies hinder their journey towards adulthood. It also causes their cheeks to turn red in deep and utter embarrassment.

4. Dancing like there's no tomorrow

Dancing with reckless abandon at parties is another good way to embarrass your kids. If impromptu wiggling won't be enough, try doing the Robot, the Chicken Dance, The Twist or Macarena.

5. Talking about sex

Talking to your kids about the topic of sex, especially when their friends are around, is both very embarrassing and extremely awkward. The mere mention of the word is cringe-worthy enough, but to elaborate on the matter is just plain unbearable. Parents who tactlessly reveal their bedroom practices and past exploits will not only be doing a great disservice to their kids but also to themselves.

Tags Parents, Kids, Sex

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