How to Put Your Toddler to Sleep During Daytime without Much Fuss

Picture this: you're a work-at-home mom who is trying to meet a deadline and your cranky toddler is sleepy, wailing and inconsolable. Because you were not able to build a sleep routine, you now find it hard on how to put your toddler to sleep during daytime. So relax and take a deep breath. Below are some of the things you can do so that you can put your toddler to sleep without a fuss.

Be wary of the "sleepy" signals.

Many parents are busy but try to keep an eye for signals that will tell you your baby is ready to head off to dreamland during daytime. Parents mentioned that Elizabeth Pantley, the author of The No-Cry Nap Solution, said that you try to observe your toddler's behavior right after he wakes up and compare it with his behavior before bedtime. His behavior in the latter would indicate how he is if he's already sleepy.

Establish a Routine

It's not only adults who have a body clock, as toddlers have it too. If you have established rituals before bedtime, do the same to your toddler's naptime. Jodi Mindell, PhD, author of Sleeping Through the Night, said, "If you read or sing to her every night, you should do the same for naps."

Make a Cozy Crib

According to Aha Parenting, a cozy sleeping area can help your toddler to drift off. Put yourself in his shoes, can you say that you can sleep even if you're uncomfortable? Hence, prepare your toddler's sleeping area to ensure he feels comfy enough to sleep during daytime.

Allow Your Toddler to Self-Soothe

Judith Owens, MD, a professor of pediatrics at Brown University's Alpert Medical School said that toddlers have the ability to fall back to sleep when they wake up. It is therefore best to resist the urge to come to his aid when he cries. If he doesn't stop crying, you can check on her and soothe him, but try to gradually lengthen the time that you come to his aid.

When you apply all these, you'll no longer wonder how to put your toddler to sleep during daytime. For sure, doing so will soon be a breeze!

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