How to Get Rid and Prevent Spread of Super Lice Among Kids

The infestation of lice among kids has become a perennial problem for parents especially during summer. A lot of areas in the United States are faced with the challenge of getting rid and stopping the spread of these lice.

NBC 12 noted that these wingless insects have created problems specifically in Virginia where residents claim that they cannot be easily removed. "Pesticides, shampoos don't work on them and a lot of other home products, home treatments don't work either," said Gerry Wolburg of Chesterfield's Virginia Lice Removal.

He also noted that the best way to get rid of head lice is to eliminate the eggs. Aside from this, there are also a few simple steps which people can do to stop these parasites from feeding on a person's head.

1. Comb them

According to Today's Parent, fine combs will be able to eliminate head lice which are living under your hair or feeding on your scalp. "A quality lice comb is crucial because it interrupts their life cycle. The best ones are made with fine metal teeth that are close together, making them more effective at removing eggs before they hatch," said Lice Squad in Innisville founder Dawn Mucci.

2. Treat head lice

AZ Central noted that lice can be removed using special chemicals that would need a prescription of a doctor. It was suggested that over-the-counter medicines can also be tried but instructions should be carefully followed.

3. Clean your house properly

It was added in the Today's Parent report that it is important to clean everything inside the house including pillow cases, mats and hats. "Lice die within 24 to 48 hours away from their blood supply, the scalp," added Mucci.

4. Avoid sharing combs

It was added in the NBC report that once a member of a family has lies, others should avoid sharing combs with him or her to avoid spreading the parasite. It also noted that other things that touch the head should not be shared inside the home.

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