In a world that is loud and chaotic, it is just right that we provide our minds the stillness and calmness that it needs and it is only through silence that it can be achieved. Once in a while, you will need to just pause and not think or do anything to regain your body's needed energy. There have been so many studies about silence being good for your health.
You can get more peace and brain health from meditation. Have your tried it?
— Pilates Plus PS (@pilatesplusPS) March 4, 2016
Here are the top 3 benefits of taking a break and just having silence take over your brain:
1. Say Goodbye To Stress And Depression: In an article published by The Huffington Post, they said that being exposed to sounds that are not exactly needed by the body could actually result in stress, insomnia and other bad effects in our health. Unnecessary sounds could be the reason why some people even suffer from heart attacks and having a high blood pressure.
A study back in 2004 can even support these claims. This simply means that going to a quiet place or having an environment that is more peaceful could reduce stress in your body, which also leads to you being more vibrant and happy.
2. Say Hello To Your Brain Cells Regenerating: According to a study published by the Brain, Structure, and Function journal, being still and quiet could actually result in your brain's growth. Scientists find out that at least two hours of silence could literally create new cells in the hippocampus region. That area is crucial since it is linked to a person's ability to learn, remember things and even their emotions.
3. Being Able To Focus: Whenever you silence your mind, you will notice that you will be able to focus on whatever it is that needs focus. Needless sounds could make your attention span quick to dwindle, which is why it is important to have a break and to meditate.
These three benefits of silence are enough to keep your whole body healthy. Meditation is key and simply pausing, doing nothing at all after a long day of work could already do wonders to your brain. Watch this video below to learn more about it.