"Ghostbusters" 2016 received more controversy than could have been expected. The role of Leslie Jones as Patty Tolan, a subway worker in New York, was considered reprehensible by "Ghostbusters" fans when compared to the scientific titles of Kristen Wiig as Erin Gilbert, Melissa McCarthy as Abby Yates and Kate McKinnon as Jillian Holtzman.
According to Daily Mail, Jones spoke up about her role in "Ghostbusters" 2016 in response to the social media protest against the character of Patty Nolan. Bashers of the "Ghostbusters" 2016 depiction claimed that there was discrimination on thd only black Ghostbusters member.
Jones questioned "Ghostbusters" 2016 protesters, saying that a regular person is just as good as anyone else. According to Jones, the reaction to the hype was not necessary. She also encouraged the public to watch "Ghostbusters" 2016.
Jones expressed that if her role in "Ghostbusters" 2016 is a stereotype, she is just as happy with it because she recognizes that even ordinary people can do extraordinary things. "Regular people save the world everyday so if I'm the stereotype!! Then so be it," Jones said. "We walk among heroes and take them for granted."
Sky News reports that Leslie Jones addressed the issues of color and gender discrimination more directly, emphasizing that "Ghostbusters" 2016 is not about gender or race. "Ghostbusters" 2016 is simply about being a Ghostbuster. For Jones, everyone is a Ghostbuster.
"Ghostbusters" 2016 is directed by Paul Feig, who made his mark with hits like "Bridesmaids," "Spy" and "The Heat." "Ghostbusters" 2016 is meant to be a reboot of the "Ghostbusters" movie of the '80s, which starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson as the original Ghostbusters team.
Just like "Ghostbusters" 2016, the original Ghostbusters had three white scientists and one black regular joe in the film. The original team is assisted by Annie Potts as the Ghostbusters' secretary. In "Ghostbusters" 2016, Annie Potts' counterpart is Kevin played by "Thor" star Chris Hemsworth.
Retweeted WE365 (@We_365):
We love seeing the support! MTA employees stand behind @Lesdoggg’s #Ghostbusters... https://t.co/55Zhbs1RHT— Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) March 8, 2016
Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson will join Wiig, McCarthy, McKinnon, Jones and Hemsworth in surprise roles. "Ghostbusters" 2016 will be released in theaters on July 15.