How To Potty Train Dogs: 4 Quick Steps in Potty Training Dogs

Potty training a dog is just a matter of routine. Four quick steps for potty training dogs are lead, reward, observe, and not punish them. However, these guides are easier to handle with three things to consider, such as patience, commitment, and consistency. In all circumstances, dogs vary from different breeds, that is why dog owners should be patient when potty training their dogs because they don't all have the same temperament.

"A trusting and consistent relationship is fundamental to successful house training, according to Kathy Santo, a Professional Dog Trainer at Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences (IAMS). Thus, "the more consistent you are, the faster your puppy will learn."

Basically, dog owners should take initiatives in allowing a day to day sequence of actions, which are to be regularly followed by their dogs. Potty training dogs is necessary for any dog owner, especially when they're uptight with the cleanliness of the house.

Four Quick Steps in Potty Training Dogs

1. Lead Them: In the morning, dogs should be taken outside Lead them as to where the spot is, for them to poop or pee. When leading them, make sure to use a specific phrase to remind them what to do, in order for them to understand the key words and gestures as to how it is correctly done.

2. Never Forget to Reward Them: After their potty session, a praise or reward should be considered, in order to let them know that what they're doing is correct. "Reward your puppy every time he goes potty outdoors with praise or treat, but make sure to do so immediately before he goes back into the house", Santo said. "Rewarding correct behavior is the best way to teach your puppy."

3. Be Very Observant: During potty training, if your dogs can't poop or pee due to some circumstances, such as an unfamiliar and an unpeaceful environment, then you should consider the possible scenario as to why they haven't pooped or peed yet. "If you're standing in a new, unfamiliar area, or in a place with lots of noise and people, they may reject the idea of going to the bathroom outside", as explained by Little Things.

Fundamentally, dog owners should check on their dogs because they might suffer from constipation or they just might feel like not pooping or peeing because of the unfamiliar spot or unpeaceful surrounding. If it's for the reason of an unfamiliar spot or unpeaceful surrounding, then better bring them to the spot where they are most familiar with.

If not, then there might be a medical issue involved and this should not be taken for granted, especially if they haven't pooped for in two days maximum. Thus, dog lovers should bring them for a visit to the vet.

4. Punishing Them Won't Help: It's important not to punish them if they had gone potty inside the house, as this will stress them out. Aside from stressing them out, "this will teach your dog to fear you, and he may hide when he has to go," as said by the American Humane Association.

If they do so, it's important to stay patient; be committed and consistent in potty training them because sooner or later, they will surely know what to do whenever they feel like pooping or peeing without their owner's initiatives.

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