Wal-Mart Left to Pay Hefty Food Stamp After EBT Shoppers Splurge

A Wal-Mart store in Louisiana was left with nearly empty shelves after a computer glitch caused food stamp recipients to have an "unlimited" allowance on their EBT card, according to reports. The store accepted many customers who bought well above their budget, and now Wal-Mart is left with the bill and not EBT.

It all began Saturday night after Police were called to Walmart locations in Mansfield, La., and Springhill, La., after receiving calls of shoppers cleaning out the store, according to the Associated Press. Springhill Police Chief Will Lynd said some customers took more meat, poultry, seafood, cheese and more than a regular household could store in a freezer and fridge.

Now Wal-Mart Stores Inc and Xerox Corp are blaming each other for the computer glitch that allowed EBT holders to have an unlimited limit on their card. The amount spent above EBT's limit was not revealed.

EBT cards are debit-type cards issued under the state's food stamp program and coded to show the amount of money available for individuals to spend. Food stamps are a federal government subsidy program for low-income people that is administered by the states.

However, not all EBT card holders took advantage of the glitch. "Honestly, I do believe in our system, I do think it's a privilege to get the EBT money, to abuse it would mean that one apple spoils the bunch and if that system goes down, that's money I don't get a month to help pay for groceries," said one EBT card holder who preferred to remain anonymous. "I don't want to see that happen because that would just put me in a bigger bind than I'm already in." He explained that he receives $150.00 a month and is careful to make that money stretch to feed his family four. He believes there are more people like him using the system correctly than the types of people who took advantage of the glitch Saturday night. "It just seems like the ones we pay attention to are the ones who abuse the system," he said.

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