It is easier said than done to stay positive everyday. Even when there are so many blogs and articles that could encourage you to have some healthy and great perspective when it comes to life, there are still times that you could be vulnerable from the many negative things surrounding you. The shocking part is that most of the time, those negative vibes has got nothing to do with your environment or other people, but it was just you who is hindering that positive vibe.
Don't allow the negative things in your life to spoil all of the good things you have. Choose to stay positive and be happy.
— Mindset Dev (@mindsetdev) March 10, 2016
Most people don't notice it, but it is due to the fact that it was already turned into a lifestyle. Here are the top three things that contribute to your negative outlook in life:
1. Too Much Exposure To Social Media: It is okay to use your Facebook or Instagram to connect with your loved ones. But if you log in there only to check on other people's success and perfect body, then compare your life and looks to there's, it is safe to say that you are about to drag yourself down to negativity. Never compare your life with other people, as it is not always healthy for your mind and soul that it could even lead to jealousy. It is best to unfollow or unsubscribe from those pages; posts and people that will only make you look down on yourself.
2. Fishing For Compliments: In an article published by Café Mom, asking compliments from your friends is one way to feed ourselves insecurities that are not healthy for your being. Starting today, stop asking your friends if you look good or not. It is best not to post pictures on Facebook or Instagram with captions that say, "I'm ugly," as that is clearly a way to fish for compliments.
3. Thinking Too Much About What Others Have To Say About You: According to Life Hack, this kind of mentality won't only drive you to negative thinking, but it would even hinder you from really living. "This is important, but if you define yourself through others, you are far more likely to be miserable," says Tegan Jones.
Now that you know these three things that you are probably oblivious of practicing everyday, it is time to put a stop to it. Your life would be so much better without doing these three things to yourself.