Children experience a lot of different emotions that they cannot control which makes parenting very challenging. What is even more challenging is parenting a child who has anger management issues. Mastering effective anger management for children is necessary for all parents in order to avoid untoward incidents.
Huffington Post shared some of the most effective tips to calm an angry child. Hopefully, parents can be of great help in effectively treating their child's anger management issues.
1. Do not use too many words.
Kids who are feeling very angry and mad will usually not respond to verbal cues. What is needed during these situations is empathy.
Calmly stay at your child's side and make him feel your empathy by saying that you understand why he is angry. The lecture and explanations should come later because the most urgent thing to do is to calm down the child.
2. Offer a warm hug.
"Many children are grounded by physical contact; it seems to settle them down," Huffington Post explains. "Some children welcome the chance to feel comforted and contained by our physical presence."
A photo posted by Paulina (@its.miss.paulina) on Mar 9, 2016 at 1:08pm PST
3. Encourage harmless physical activities.
Kids with anger management issues can release their pent-up negative emotions through physical activities. Dancing, playing basketball or riding a bike are effective ways to prevent aggressive and harmful physical actions.
4. Breathing exercises.
Anger increases a person's blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse rate. "You can learn to reverse these increases by deliberately slowing your breathing and/or systematically relaxing your tense muscles," Mental Help advises.
5. Squeeze balls.
Another effective way to deal with a child's anger management issues is by giving him a squeeze ball. Anger is an energy that can be released through physical means. Squeezing a toy ball is a harmless physical activity that can help release anger.