Friends are great because they uplift our mood, reduce our stress and make us laugh. A person can have many friends but only a few of them can be considered as true friends. Knowing the qualities of a true friend can help people know which of their friends they should keep and treasure.
Huffington Post shared some of the signs that can help us recognize who our true friends really are. So start taking some notes and examine your relationships.
1. A true friend appreciates who and what you are.
You might be unhappy with yourself but a true friend will love you no matter who and what you are. A true friend will not force you to become someone and something else you are not.
2. A true friend gives constructive criticism.
One of the essential qualities of a true friend is that she is willing to provide constructive criticisms. A true friend will point out your faults, errors and mistakes and advise you if needed. Your true friend might not be right in her assessments and advice but the intention behind those are definitely noble.
A photo posted by Ana (@anamuch) on Mar 10, 2016 at 8:02am PST
3. A true friend will give you her time.
"The greatest gift any friend could ever give is full attention and awareness -- and true friends make their presence a priority," Huffington Post shares. Time is more valuable than material gifts because it can never be taken back. Treasuring a friend who likes spending time with you is always a good idea.
4. A true friend listens.
A true friend usually prefers a two-way conversation because she is very much interested in the different aspects of your life. "Listening, at its best, is active, focused, concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the meanings expressed by a speaker," New Charter University explains.
5. A true friend is there through the good times and the bad.
Being there through the good and the bad is one of the important qualities of a true friend. People who are only there for you when things are going right or when they get something from you are not true friends. A true friend will spend time with you, talk to you, appreciate you and make you laugh simply because she loves you, no strings attached.