The newest Ben & Jerry's trio core flavored must-try ice cream has finally arrived. The three Ben & Jerry's refreshments-flavored ice creams come in Brownie Batter, Cookies & Cream Cheesecake and Coconuts for Caramel.
The Brownie Batter flavor is a combination of chocolate and vanilla ice cream mixed with fudge brownies and a batter. However, there's more to that: it has an unbaked brownie batter in the middle of it and there's no easy way to get to it by just simply spooning the moment until it reaches the thickest-brownie layer of the ice cream.
"REALLY gooey, almost like hot fudge," according to one of the Huffington Post's ice cream tasters. "The chewy brownies are nice, but there's a whole lot of sweetness going on in here, [and] I'm not sure if everyone could handle it."
On the other hand, the Cookies & Cream Cheesecake flavor is a combination of chocolate and cheesecake ice cream with chocolate cookies and a cheesecake. It's loaded with chocolate, cookies and cheesecake that is satisfying when tried. Tasters out there might just want to go dig in it to have a magical taste of heaven.
Introducing our new trio of dessert-inspired Cores! Commence spooning. Details at link in profile.
A photo posted by Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) on Mar 9, 2016 at 7:17am PST
The Coconuts for Caramel is a caramel-flavored ice cream with sweet-cream-coconut, fudge flakes and a caramel core. A brisk dip to this caramel creamy fudge core is a way to experience paradise as it has coconut, caramel, and chocolate all in one place.
Ben & Jerry's a company that produces full-flavored and multi-flavored ice cream, frozen yogurt and sorbet. Ben & Jerry's started with a $5 equivalent course in producing ice cream from Penn State and a $12,000 profit, with $4,000 of it was lent.
In fact, their first ice cream scoop shop was a restored gas station in Burlington, Vermont. The company has guaranteed that all "Ben & Jerry's 100 percent Fair Trade and a 100 percent non-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)", as said by Jerry Greenfield, on Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight Show.
Water your mouth with one of these three inevitable Ben & Jerry's newest ice cream right now and surely it would make everybody's day splendidly.