Breastfeeding has long been a practice for feeding the baby once the child is born. But the approach in this activity is different when it comes to twins. Perhaps you have done a lot of researches about breastfeeding already and if you think it would be the same doing it with twins, then you're in it for a big surprise.
This beautiful, powerful lady is breastfeeding her twins!
— ABM (@AssocBfMothers) March 15, 2016
Here are some of the tips that you need if you are about to breastfeed your twins:
1. Your Breasts Should Not Always Be Used For Both Babies At The Same Time: In an article by Café Mom, they wrote that it is not advisable to breastfeed your twin kids all at the same time. This is because one of your breasts would be giving more milk than the other, which won't be fair for one of your babies. They won't be able to have the same nutrition if you try to breastfeed them both at the same time.
2. Assistance Is Everything: You could consider yourself a superwoman, but you still have to live the reality that it doesn't matter how tough you are as a mom, you could only take so much. Therefore, it is only fitting that you ask some help to take care of things around you while you are trying to breastfeed your twins.
3. Positioning Yourself: If you insist on breastfeeding your two babies all at the same time, you must know how to position yourself properly. Another article from The Stir suggested that positioning your babies using the "football trick" could work. This means holding both of your babies tucked under your arms and have their legs extended to the sides of your body. You could also apply the football hold to one of your twins, while the other is on a cradle position.
These three simple breastfeeding tips would make a difference if you are doing it to your twins. What about you? What is your strategy? Feel free to share!