It is normal for parents to want success from their kids and there is no doubt that they do everything to make sure that it is the path that their children would have, as they grow up. Bottom line, raising successful kids is often the goal of parents, especially this generation where competition in having a good career is a big deal. While parents are working hard to make this happen to their kids, meanwhile, a former dean from Stanford University says that parents are completely wrong in doing this and they have to stop doing it now.
In an article reported by The Huffington Post, former Stanford University dean, Julie Lythocott-Haims recently published a book called, "How to Raise and Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid For Success," and in it she mentioned about helicopter parenting and how it is ruining kids since the 1990's. It is quite a huge statement for her to make, especially when a lot of parents are practicing it.
A photo posted by Karen Amethyst Mascariñas (@kthyst) on Mar 17, 2016 at 10:07pm PDT
In her interview with LA Times, the former dean said working with such promising and brightest students in her days, she noticed that those students don't seem to be really successful when it comes to living the reality of life. They were just so focused on their high GPAs, but they are missing a lot in their own personal life.
Part of this is because they always are in constant communication with their parents and always functioning according to what their folks want them to do with their lives. Dependency is what happens and most of those students end up being depress and at lost when one day they realized that they would have to face things on their own.
This is something that parents should take a look at with their parenting style. Apparently, not raising successful kids could make your children successful.