Scientists Are Getting Close to Developing New Medicines From Beer Hops

New beer-inspired medicines may be available soon. Scientists have discovered that beer hops, the cone-shaped flowers of hop plants used to give beer a bitter flavor that counteracts the sweetness of the malted grains, contain key ingredients that could be used for antibacterial medications.

EurekAlert! reported that scientists have been extensively studying the healthful beer hops compounds which possess the ability to stop bacterial growth and disease. This study may lead to the development of new medicines for cancers and other diseases.

The study, which was presented at the 251st National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), investigated on how hops compounds could be efficiently synthesized in the lab. The researchers found that it is possible to create synthetic compounds that possess similar medicinal benefits with hop plants' naturally occurring humulones and lupulones.

"When researchers extract healthful chemicals from hops, they first have to determine whether they have separated out the specific compounds they're interested in," said Dr. Kristopher Waynant, leader of the project. "But if you can figure out how to make these compounds from scratch, you know they are the right ones."

According to Medical Daily, the researchers are aiming to develop a "library of humulones, lupulones, and their derivatives as possible biologically active agents against myriad diseases." They said that they are now getting closer of optimizing the complete method for the creation of synthetic compounds. They are also planning of collaborating with biologists and medical researchers to develop new medicines to treat cancers and inflammatory diseases.

"It's been a lot of trial and error," said Lucas Sass, a student at the University of Idaho who is involved in the research. "But it's so exciting when an approach finally works."

Hops have been widely known for possessing antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which play a vital role in putting off microbial contamination during fermentation in the brewing process. It has been also used as a natural medicine for inflammation, hair loss, sleeping problems and anxiety.

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