'Pokemon Red,' 'Blue,' 'Yellow' Release Date, News & Update: Know How to Fight Professor Oak

Professor Oak has been known as the Pokemon Professor that only holds the Red, Blue and Yellow Pokemon. But there are some ways that a gamer can fight Professor Oak in "Pokemon Red," "Blue" and "Yellow" game.

According to Movie Pilot, a player must have a "fully healed party" for PC, a Pokemon that can fly, and other that has 226 SPECIAL stat and another that can Growl. Start in the Lavender Town and go to Route 8 until an image of a guy emerges, but don't fight him yet.

Try to avoid the trainer's sight and go directly below the entrance of the alternative way. Press down and start quickly and go into the trainer's view.

Then, use the Pokemon that can fly, go to Cerulean City, move to Route 24, pass through Nugget Bridge and head to left at the end to see Youngster in the grass. Fight the trainer and try to beat him.

Now the gamer should head to Fuchsia City using the Pokemon 226 SPECIAL stat and Pokemon that growls, go to Route 15 and catch wild Ditto. Let Ditto change into the Pokemon with 226 SPECIAL stat.

Then, use that Pokemon that Growls. This time, Professor Oak's group has three different alternatives. Whichever variation the player uses, depend on the use of Pokemon Growl on the wild Ditto.

Growl four times, Professor Oak gets Blastoise, five times, he has Venusaur and six times, he gets Charizard. When the player succeeds, escape from the wild Ditto.

Go back to Lavender Town and be ready to fight Professor Oak. The gamer should move to PC and pick the fighting group, but never save or heal the game as this might reset the glitch.

Then, leave the Pokemon center and move to the "exit on the left side of town." The glitch is successful if the menu didn't pop up without any prompt, which means the player is ready to battle Grandpa.

Meanwhile, CNet reported that Feb. 26 marks the release of "Pokemon Red," "Blue" and Yellow" to Nintendo 3DS. The game offers Professor Oak's Pokedex and complicated puzzle that will let the gamers choose, between fire, water or grass type Pokemon.

Each of "Pokemon Red," "Blue" and Yellow's" main games will be right away question the gamers to decide which Pokemon characters to use. Hence, players would be asked to play with Pokemon's original characters, Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

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