Beer As Healthy As Fruit Juice And Milk

Drinking water or juice is never enough for some people. People enjoy drinking beer because they love the taste and they like the after-effect of this alcoholic beverage.

According to Everyday Health, drinking beer does not only tone down your brain from tension and anxiety but it also gives you some health benefits like other healthy beverages.

Just to get us informed, beer has no preservatives and it is all-natural. It contains hops and alcohol which are common natural preservatives. The process of creating beer is just cooking, fermenting and filtering processes so this means there are no added harmful preservatives.

Here are some good benefits of drinking beer.

1. Beer has lesser calories compared to some fruit juice drinks and it doesn't contain any cholesterol. Beer can't make you fat and the notion that says beer drinkers gets a "beer belly" doesn't really have a strong scientific evidence according to a study at UCL. If there is a link between obesity and drinking beer, it would be a very weak evidence.

2. Beer prevents type 2 diabetes. Dutch researchers have found that beer drinkers who drink moderately are less likely to get type 2 diabetes. It will only increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes if you drink beer heavily. A glass or two a day will be healthy for you.

3. Beer reduces your risk of getting cardiovascular diseases. According to Daily Mail Online, beer contains antioxidants that fights heart diseases. A test was done in mouse subjects that were given an equivalent of 2 glasses of beer in humans daily and it significantly decreased the levels of cholesterol build-up in their arteries.

4. Beer fights cancer. The hops that give beer the bitter and zesty flavor contains a flavonoid called Xanthohumol. A kind of antioxidant that prevents cancer.

5. Beer has the same effect of milk to your bones. The high levels of dietary silicon found in beer can improve bone density according to a study published in the Journals of the Science of Food and Agriculture.

So why not enjoy drinking beer if you can get the same health benefits in fruit juice and milk?

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