There were a number of kids at the Brussels airport when a series of explosion rocked the terminal. Parents are worried their kids will be traumatized for life.
Virginia Tech psychology professor Russell Jones told ABC News that parents should always remember that kids will always try to imitate the behavior of adults. "First of al,l parents need to be calm and in control of themselves. Oftentimes, children will model the behavior of parents," Jones said.
Kids thought they were fireworks, parents knew they were bombs — the latest reporting from #Brussels
— GlobalPost (@GlobalPost) March 22, 2016
He claimed that if parents will also show that they are traumatized, it is most likely that children will also feel the same. Jones noted that talking to children is an important tool to help them cope.
On the other hand, the American Psychological Association (APA), noted that the news exposure of kids should also be closely monitored. "Be prepared to answer questions they may have about how or why this traumatic even occurred," the APA said.
KidsMatter explained that traumatic situations can alter children's behavior and their relationship to other people. It added that they may have sleeping problems, become more clingy to their parents and experience physical and social skills problems.
"Many times following these unexpected traumatic events, it shatters their world view," Jones added in the ABC News report. "They feel things will never be the same and good things don't happen to good people."
Meanwhile, Anxiety and Depression Association of America's (ADAA) Dr. Aureen Wagner said in an ADAA report that parents should let their children understand that being scared is part of life.
"Let your child know that it is normal to feel upset, scared or angry," Wagner added. "If older children or teenagers want to watch television or read news online about a traumatic event, be available to them, especially to discuss what they are seeing and reading," she noted adding that this will give them a better understanding of the situation.