For anime lovers who are a huge fan of the anime hit series, "One Punch Man," the show will return for its second season this year. But, what can you expect in "One Punch Man" season 2?
For those who love the "One Punch Man" manga, you will be disappointed with this report. There are rumors that the anime series will no longer follow its storyline.
Per HNGN, "One Punch Man" Season 2 will diverge from its manga source. It will commence with the rivalry between the main protagonist Saitama and his arch rival Amai Mask. However, it is not known yet when the plot will deviate or if it's a complete remake.
This report raised a number of questions from the confused fans. One Reddit user named JordanReaps asked if the deviation means just adding a lot of stuff in between. He also asked how far ahead the redrawn manga is from the webcomics.
Another "One Punch Man" Reddit user named Heatstrike answered, "It's just adding stuff and expanding on the plot. The overall plot is very much the same." He explained that the webcomic (original source) is ahead by twice as many chapters and that the current manga arc is already finished, suggesting that it may take two to three years for the manga to catch up with the webcomic.
Back to the "One Punch Man" season 2 spoilers, Ecumenical News reported that Amai Mask is a "Class A Rank 1" hero who already planted a conflict between him and Saitama after blaming the Class S heroes for the destruction of the city.
Although nothing is confirmed yet, many believe that "One Punch Man" season 2 will feature the feud between Saitama and Amai Mask.
Per The Bitbag, "One Punch Man" season 2 might premiere in November or December. "One Punch Man" creator Murata Yusuke already confirmed that they are working on the show's second season.
Do you want to see Saitama and Amai Mask's rivalry in "One Punch Man" season 2? When do you want the next season to return? Share your thoughts below.