Top 5 Bad Parenting Habits You Should Stop Doing

Every parent wants to have their children growing responsible, disciplined and successful. This can be realized if their kids are guided properly. To be an effective parent, we should set ourselves as a good example for them.

Some say parenting is an instinct that all humans should know but how can parents tell if what they are doing are right? According to How Stuff Works, parenting doesn't come with a manual and it's an on-the-job-training. You learn some of it through experience and from your own parents.

There is no such thing as perfect parenting but there are a lot of research done by many experts over the years about it. Making use of those as the basis of good parenting, you can tell if you are an effective parent or not. Here are some things that parents usually do which is considered wrong or a bad habit.

1. Not setting up rules

In parenting, you have to learn how to discipline your children and the best way to do it is to set rules for them to follow, as reported by Making rules is just like teaching them the difference between good and bad.

2. Not following your own rules

Children are likely to follow what their parents are doing. To make your children responsible and disciplined, you should start it with your own self as an example to them.

3. Giving in consistently to your kids

All parents love their children and they will give almost everything just to make them happy. Not everyone may agree, but this act will lead to child spoiling. Winning the battle over your child is necessary because you are the parent and they should follow you. Kids doesn't have to get what they want all the time. Learn how to say a firm no.

4. Not discussing reasons

This will somehow relate to the previous habit. Everytime you say "No" to a child, it is best to explain why. There is no need to explain in full detail, though. Just tell them the reason straightforwardly for them to understand it quickly. Young children don't have much of a choice but to follow their parents.

5. Don't act as a servant to your kid.

Teach your children some responsibility like doing small house chores. Don't pamper your kid so much by doing everything for them. The main reason why we guide our kids is to teach them independence. Parents should teach children some responsibility.

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