Child Development: 5 Positive Parenting Tips For Middle Childhood

Positive parenting is very crucial to kids with ages 9 to 11 years old, or during middle childhood. This phase of child development is as critical as that of toddlers and teenagers. To guide you, here are five positive parenting tips for middle childhood.

Be an affectionate parent.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, kids need more attention during middle childhood. It is the phase when they turn more independent from the family; therefore, you need to make them feel that you are involved with their environment.

Being honest and affectionate with them, as well as doing things together could be very helpful in instilling the importance of a family. It is also very vital that you spend time to talk to them about their peers, school problems, daily challenges, body changes and other issues.

Set reachable expectations.

Along with their growing independence, it is imperative that you help them develop a sense of responsibility. Child Health Explanation stated that one of the ways to do this is to set high yet attainable expectations. Persuade them to meet your expectations with positive reinforcement. These expectations include accomplishing household tasks and performing better in school.

Let them feel that they are trusted.

Middle childhood is the period when kids begin to understand the point of view of others more clearly. Help them set their own goals, teach them good values and guide them to develop their own sense of right and wrong. At the same time, let them feel that you have faith in them. With this, you will encourage them to achieve their goals and get rid of wrongdoings.

Know their friends.

Peer pressure is intense during middle childhood. Their friends may influence them to do dangerous physical dares or start having vices. Therefore, spend time knowing the type of friends that they have in their circle.

Discipline them.

Lay clear and reasonable limits, and stick to them. According to WebMD, there is no quick fix and no magic bullet when it comes to disciplining children. However, you can effectively do this by making your child understand the rules and the reasons why you have to discipline them. Discipline should not make them feel bad about their selves.

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