Sex Education: Should You Teach Girls To Masturbate?

Peggy Orenstein, a sex educator and author, tackles the importance of sex education and sex awareness, especially for girls. For Peggy Orenstein, it is important that girls know everything about their body and how to pleasure themselves by experiencing masturbation.

Sex and masturbation for girls are often a taboo topic. In an interview with The Cut, Peggy Orenstein revealed mothers find sex a sensitive matter that's why they are having a hard time to talk about it with their child - particularly to their daughters.

In fact, Peggy Orenstein talked to her friend's 16-year-old daughter to discuss sex and masturbation. Peggy Orenstein advice the teenager about safe sex and the dangers of the disease one can have through intercourse.

Peggy Orenstein also said that should experienced masturbation to know how it feels to have orgasm by her own. Without the knowledge of pleasuring one's self, a girl would have a hard time to define what real orgasm is and can't even point out to her partner what will make her satisfied during sex.

Hence, if a girl didn't know all of these things, she shouldn't have sex with anyone without knowing how to pleasure herself. Having sex with someone will be pointless if the girl doesn't exactly know what she wants to feel.

LA Times reported female's sexuality preferences has been the focus of moral panics since time immemorial. Hence, the woman is often the victim of "slut-shaming."

As today's generation is more open to casual sex, teenagers, mainly girls, should know the quality of good sex and not the quantity of having sex. In Peggy Orenstein's "Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape," it illustrated the evolution of young girls to "sexual self-hood."

Peggy Orenstein interviewed about 70 girls ages 15 to 20 to tackle different sides of sexuality from, virginity, to looking hot and the age of consent. Peggy Orenstein found out girls are trying to be "sexual subjects" but, one interviewee said, every college girl's dream is to be in the middle of being "just slutty enough, where you're not a prude but you're not a whore."

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