Many health experts recommend breastfeeding because it is crucial for baby's development and beneficial for the health of nursing mothers. While breastfeeding children for as long as the mother wants is a personal choice, there are little known possible consequences of nursing children for too long.
When Is The Best Time To Stop Breastfeeding?
Guidelines say that babies should be exclusively breastfed for six months. However, there is no set time for when it's acceptable to wean them of breast milk. So when can mothers stop breastfeeding their child?
The Stir shares that babies can stop breastfeeding when they are at least a year old. When the baby can take solid foods and have slowed down nursing sessions with the mother, it is also a sign that it is the right time to wean.
Baby Centre adds that the decision to stop nursing children remains to the mother. It is important to remember that mothers shouldn't be pressured to stop breastfeeding and should pursue weaning at her and her baby's pace.
Extended breastfeeding may be linked to higher IQ and income, a long-term study concluded.
— CNN (@CNN) March 19, 2015
Possible Consequences Of Breastfeeding For Too Long
Like many good things, some must end. While there is no scientific evidence to suggest that extended breastfeeding is bad for mother and child, others say that prolonged nursing can have possible consequences.
An article in Psychology Today argues that breastfeeding for too long may psychologically harm children in the long run. Attachment parenting style includes co-sleeping with children and extended breastfeeding. There is also no study that this type of parenting can benefit kids in the long run and could only result in overindulgent parenting.
The author reiterates that she is not recommending mothers to stop doing what is best for their kids. She points out that parents should set limits in their children so as not to be overindulgent. What are your thoughts on the possible consequences of extended breastfeeding? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.