Parents like talking with their kids to give encouragement, to lecture and to strengthen their relationship with each other. However, many parents do not know that some of the things they are saying to their kids are either ineffective or harmful to their children. Being aware of the things you should stop saying to kids can make a positive difference in your child's behavior and your relationship with each other. shared some of the things you should stop saying to kids as soon as possible. Also included in this list are the things you should start saying to them instead.
1. I Am So Proud Of You
It is normal to feel proud of your kids' behavior or accomplishments. However, avoid saying "I am proud of you" to your kids because it can make them feel that they are responsible for your happiness and pride. Try saying "Good for you" instead in order to show your kids that what they are doing is for their own good.
2. You Did A Good Job
This is one of the most common things you should stop saying to kids. "It is far more helpful in terms of encouragement and building self-esteem if you focus on how your child achieved whatever he or she accomplished," author and psychologist Dr. Susan Newman shared with
Are you at a loss for words when it comes to talking to older kids? @emjaneunsworth has tips:
— CBeebies Grown-Ups (@CBeebiesHQ) April 1, 2016
3. Wait Until Your Mom / Dad Gets Home
The reason you should stop saying this to your kids is because it puts you in a bad light. It might give your kids the impression that your partner is the one who they should respect and follow. You should implement the rules and dish out the penalties for the kids yourself.
4. Everything Will Be Alright
This is one of the most harmful things you should stop saying to kids right away. Saying this might give your kids false hope which can lead to bigger disappointments in life. Be honest with your kids and help them learn the value of staying strong even if things are not alright.
5. Stop Crying
Many parents try to comfort their sad and tearful kids by saying "don't cry" or "stop crying." Saying these things to kids make them feel like their emotions are not important and that being sad is not normal, CNN reports. Rather than tell kids to stop crying, parents should explore with their kids the reason why they are crying and what they can do to fix the problem.