To dispel rumors that Ashley Santos was impregnated by her ex-coach Tyler Summit, the Louisiana Tech player bares her midriff in a new social media post. She initially preferred to stay mum about the issue, but ultimately decided to share the photo as malicious gossips rapidly spread online.
Ashley Santos, 21, was one of the two players who followed Tyler Summitt from Marquette to Louisiana Tech in 2014. This gave hecklers somewhat of a reason to accuse her of having a romantic relationship with the 25-year-old coach.
The affair reportedly resulted in a child and Summit's resignation. In an attempt to clear her name, Santos took to Twitter to show the world her far-from-bumpy waistline.
Rumors Squashed. Don't talk about what you don't know. #notprego #LetsMoveOn #LadyTechsterTerritory
— Ashley Santos (@ASantos_33) April 8, 2016
"Ashley's just an innocent bystander," Jose Santos, Ashley's father, told USA TODAY. "People were asking if she was pregnant, so she defended herself. That's all that it is."
Ashley Santos' mother, Lori, revealed that her daughter's teammates were also pestered online about the rumors. However, much of the focus was directed at Santos and Brooke Pumroy, the two players who transferred with Summitt to Louisiana Tech.
To this day, reporters have yet to reach Pumroy for her comment on the issue. Santos' parents said their 5-foot-11 daughter also did not know of Pumroy's current whereabouts. The two had been roommates before Pumroy announced she would be skipping her final year of eligibility.
Tommy McClelland, Louisiana Tech's athletics director, shared to NY Daily News that the investigation on the scandal immediately began as soon as allegations were made against Summitt. McClelland declined to reveal further details to avoid preempting the investigation.
"Please understand that there are just certain things that I am not going to be able to say, as it gets into personnel and privacy issues,'' he explained. "There will be questions that you want to ask that I just cannot answer. I am sure you understand that."