Taking the Right Shots Gives Health a Boost

"Shots are the new vitamins" claims nutritionist Lauren Slayton who is also the author of "The Little Book of Thin", Yahoo! Shine reports.

Slayton suggests that taking the right kinds of shots can actually help boost a person's health. She recommends taking sea buckthorn liquid as a first shot. This comes from a berry that tastes like a sour candy. "If you have sad winter skin and hair, this is your answer," she says. The supplement is also effective in strengthening the nails, skin and hair.

For those who are in need of an immunity boost or those who feel as if they are about to catch a cold, Slayton recommends a shot of astragalus. "It's a root that's been used in Chinese medicine for centuries." She suggests mixing a dropperful of the astragalus liquid in water and drink to enhance the immune system. Aloe vera has been regarded as an effective cure for sunburnt skin but other than this, consuming juice from the plant may also provide the body with other benefits. "It's really for GI purposes. It helps get things moving!"

Tumeric is another great supplement that helps reduce bloating, enhances weight loss, and lifts spirits. "It's known as an anti-inflammatory and it can certainly give you a boost when you're feeling low in the winter." Those who need a little energy boost but don't want to get the shivers, taking a shot of E3Live is recommended. "It's an algae, which sounds gross, but it has 65 vitamins and minerals in it."

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