3 Interesting Preschool Activities That Will Make Learning More Fun And Easy

Preschool children are at the age when all they want is to play and sleep. It's difficult to keep them glued into learning because most of them get distracted easily. However, if you capture their interest, you will get their attention.

If you want to teach your preschool child or for preschool teachers out there who want to teach their students, here are three activities that will make learning easy and fun.

1. Animal Classification Bingo - Per Examiner, for this game, you simply need to collect stuffed animals, plastic toys animals or photos of the animals. Then make a large Bingo board with masking tape on it. Label it with the animal classification like mammal, reptile, insect, amphibian and so on. You can also list the habitats like ocean, pond, desert or rain forest to make the game more challenging. Then, let the students select a toy and place it in one of the categories listed on the board. You can also call for a category and ask the children what animals belong there.

2. Play the Fish for Numbers Game - If you want to teach kids how to be familiar with numbers, this game from Education.com would be perfect. Just cut ten fish shapes in different colors of construction papers. Write different numbers from one to 10 on each fish. Punch a hole in each one near the mouth area and slide a paper clip. Tie the string to the dowel to make a fishing rod and use a super glue to attach the magnet at the end of the string. Let it dry. Scatter the fish to make everything visible and you can tell your child or the students that "I'm hungry for fish number 4" let the child lower the rod and catch the paper clip with the correct number.

3. Word Recognition - To help preschoolers recognize words, Family Education suggests this game. For this game, you will need, index cards, pen or marker, old magazines or photos, scissors and glue. If your child can recognize the letters of the alphabet, practice him or her with simple word recognition. On one set of index cards, write simple words like cat, dog or fish. On another set, draw or cut magazine pictures or photos that illustrate the word. Lay all the cards on the table and let the child match each word to the corresponding drawing or picture.

Do you know any other games that will make preschoolers enjoy? Share it in the comment section below.

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