5 Things To Do To Help Ensure a Healthy Pregnancy

Ensuring a healthy pregnancy is something that moms-to-be, as well as women hoping to get pregnant, should be doing if they want a healthy baby. The good news is that a woman can become healthy long before becoming pregnant, and working on it will help ensure a healthy pregnancy along the way.

"Entering pregnancy healthy gives you the best possible chance to stay that way yourself and have a healthy baby," Catherine Spong, M.D., acting director of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, told Consumer Reports. "Get yourself in as good shape as you can for that baby."

Get Healthy for You and Your Baby

Here are some things that can be done to have a healthy pregnancy, coming from a collaboration of experts from government agencies, medical groups and nonprofit organizations. These are recommended before getting pregnant, and can be done well into the pregnancy.

1. Take Folic Acid

Experts recommend aiming for 400 mcg per day at least 3 months before pregnancy. This will help reduce the risk of neural tube defects by at least 50 percent.

2. Stop Bad Habits

The BabyCentre says that bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol can cause serious health problems for a woman when she conceives, adds to the risk of the baby being miscarried, and birth defects if ever the baby is born. Additionally, there is no illegal drug that can be considered safe for both the pregnant mom and the baby in her womb. Best thing to do is to stop these bad habits.

3. Control Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases, such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and high blood pressure must be controlled before getting pregnant. Losing excess weight before pregnancy (these diseases are connected to excess weight) decreases the risk of various pregnancy- and birth-related problems. Vaccinations will also help prevent contracting diseases while pregnant.

4. Guard Against Harmful Drugs and Supplements

Certain medicines and supplements are not helpful, and can even be harmful to pregnancy. As such, getting a doctor's recommendation and prescription, in light of pregnancy, will be very helpful.

5. Get Moving

Staying physically active and fit before (and during) pregnancy will be very helpful to both the mom and the baby inside. Having some exercise routines, as well as constant physical movement, will be very helpful to the pregnant mom.

Some More Things

Always remember to check with your doctor for any inquiry regarding your health and pregnancy. Also, be careful to choose the right supplements to take and the foods that you will eat, as this affects your baby's development too.

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