Gay and Bisexual Teenage Boys More Likely to Inject Steroids

Gays and bisexuals teenage boys more frequently inject steriods compared to straight men, a recent study finds.

Researchers involved in the study claim that gay and bisexual teen boys use illicit steroids at a rate almost six times higher than straight kids but failed to mention why this is so. They published the result of their study was published in the journal Pediatrics. Dr. Rob Garofalo, adolescent medicine chief at Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago claims the high rates are "shocking"but notes that gay teens often have body image issues.

Overall, 21 percent of gay or bisexuaal boys said they have never used steroids, versus four percent of heterosexual boys. The difference was similar to those who reported moderate use - taking steroid pills or injections up to 40 times. Eight percent of gay or bisexual teens reported that amount, versus less than two percent of straight boys. The heaviest use which is 40 or more times was reported by four percent of gays or bisexual boys, compared with less than one percent of straight teens.

"It's a bit sad that we saw such a large health disparity, especially among the most frequent steroid users," said co-author Aaron Blashill, a psychologist and scientist with the Fenway Institute, the research arm of a Boston health center that treats gays and lesbians. The Food and Drug Administration issued a consumer update in November warning that teens and steroids are "a dangerous combo," citing government data which report about five percent of high school boys and two percent of high school girls use steroids - more than half a million children.

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