Identical Quadruplets Odds: Canadian Couple Beats 1 In 15 Million Chance Of Having Identical Quadruplets

Identical twins are common, but identical quadruplets? Now that's something you don't see every day. Science has it that the identical quadruplets' odds are 1:15,000,000. That's right! It's one in 15,000,000, yet this Canadian couple managed to beat it naturally!

Naturally-Conceived Identical Quadruplets

Parents reported that Bethani and Tim Webb are expecting identical quadruplets in spring. Bethani is carrying identical quadruplets and conceived them without any medical intervention. It may be surprising but she got pregnant without IVF or any other fertility treatment.

Some people might think that either Bethani or Tim may have relatives who are either twins or triplets. However, both of them don't have any history of having multiples. So when the couple learned of the quadruplets during a sonogram, they were so surprised, time almost fainted.

Four Times As Shocking

"I could not believe it, I was in such shock," Bethani told CBC News. Bethani thought that the sonogram technician was joking, however, he apparently was not.

"It was a good thing that my husband was sitting down because he almost fainted," Bethani said referring to how her husband reacted upon receiving the news of having identical quadruplets.

Birth And Family Plans In Place

Since Bethani is still on her 29th week of being pregnant with identical quadruplets, her doctors were closely monitoring her condition. Bethani's doctors were hoping that she will reach 32 weeks before she goes into labor. Having identical quadruplets can bring about complications and Bethani's doctors were trying to avoid it.

Bethani said that her husband "has gotten used to the idea" of having four babies. However, having four identical quadruplets might be a different story.

The couple is busy preparing for the birth of the identical quadruplets. They're thinking of naming their identical quadruplets - Abigail, Grace, McKayla and Emily. Since raising four babies will entail huge expenses, friends of the Bethani and Tim Webb have created a GoFundMe page to give assistance to their financial needs.

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