Teen smoking is a pervading problem in the U.S. While the number of students smoking cigarettes has come down over the years, the opposite can be said for vaping and smoking hookah. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that more students are turning to e-cigarettes and hookah.
Domain-B said that the teen smoking report was based on the National Youth Tobacco Survey conducted in 2011. It involved about 20,000 students coming from middle and high school across the U.S during the 2011 to 2015 period.
Teen smoking declines as vaping increases, but CDC and media hide good news in their bizarre campaign against ecigs: https://t.co/58DXnTtW9I
— John Tierney (@JohnTierneyNYC) November 15, 2014
Based on the said teen smoking report, the rate of vaping increased over a span of five years in both middle school and high school students. For middle school students, vaping increased from 0.6 percent in 2011 to 5.3 percent in 2015.
For high school students, vaping rate increased from 1.5 percent to a whopping 16 percent, which was more than tenfold its original rate. The number of students smoking hookah also rose during this period.
According to the same teen smoking report, smoking hookah among middle school students rose from 1 percent in 2011 to 2 percent in 2015. For high school students, smoking hookah rose from 4.1 percent to 7.2 percent.
New York Daily News also reported that more U.S. teens are vaping. E-cigarette smoking may not be the same as tobacco or cigarette smoking, yet the number of teens smoking e-cigarettes is rising. It was found that 4.7 million students in middle and high school have at least once engaged in teen smoking 30 days prior to the final survey.
Latest #VitalSigns looks at youth exposure to e-cigarette marketing. Read the full report to learn what can be done. https://t.co/FAkuLGrRmZ — CDC (@CDCgov) January 7, 2016
"We're very concerned that one in four high school students use tobacco, and that almost half of those use more than one product," Dr. Corinne Graffunder, CDC's Office on Smoking and Health director said. Her fears are most likely grounded on the fact that it isn't only cigarette smoking that pose health hazards to students but vaping and hookah teen smoking are likewise unhealthy.
Science News mentioned that vaping can "adversely impact the cardiovascular health of users." With these findings, it doesn't really matter if the person smoking is a teen or an adult. The bottom line is, vaping can still have a negative effect on one's cardiovascular health.
Mark started smoking when he was a teen & was diagnosed with #ColonCancer at 42. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. #CDCTips pic.twitter.com/SkXZ0UGbVK — CDC Tobacco Free (@CDCTobaccoFree) March 31, 2016
While vaping or the use of e-cigarettes is marketed as the healthier alternative, which is why teens smoking turn to it, such does not negate the adverse health effects. It is still best that one simply avoids e-cigarettes or e-cigars. Obviously, hookah must be avoided as well.