Be An Expert, Learn These 11 Common Abbreviations Used in Conception

If you have infertility issues or are simply trying to conceive (TTC), you may have encountered terms and abbreviations thrown frequently around. Being new to all of these, you may need a quick guide to acquaint yourself with the TTC shortcuts to better understand the process.

Everyone seems to be looking out for the time. Technology has made life easier and faster. So it just follows that shortcuts are also created for words. There are popular shortcuts for terms that are usually used in social media. Surprisingly, there are common terms used in modern family planning that is abbreviated. Check out these common terms used in conception that were collected from Parents and Fertility Friend:

1. AF - Aunt Flo or simply means your period. This is a red flag for those who are TTC. In fact, many gals chant AFSA (Aunt Flo Stay Away).

2. BBT - Basal Body Temperature can hint if you're fertile or not. Keeping track of your Basal Body Temperature helps you gauge when you should the baby dance (intercourse).

3. BD - Baby Dance means you engage in sexual intercourse to conceive.

4. BFN and BFP - Big Fat Negative is obviously a negative result on the pregnancy test. The opposite is, of course, Big Fat Positive.

5. BT - Blood Test is a more reliable way of knowing you're pregnant.

6. CF or CM - Cervical Fluid or Cervical Mucus is an indication of your fertile days. Just like BBT, keep a record of its appearance and consistency whether it's slick, clear, or cloudy.

7. DH, DP or SO - Dear Husband, Dear Partner, or Significant Other is your partner in TTC.

8. DPO - Days Past Ovulation. This is the waiting window usually 10-14 days before a home pregnancy test can produce a reliable result.

9. DTD - Do The Deed is same as BD. Especially if you're CF or BBT is right.

10. hCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is the hormone that is usually produced when you're pregnant. Blood and home pregnancy tests detect during the first week or two of pregnancy.

11. EDD - Estimated Due Date is the predicted time your baby will come out. This is usually found during your first ultrasound.

There are plenty more of other terms that you may have encountered that is not included in the list. For more abbreviations, check out the video below:

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