Parents usually find it difficult to get their baby to sleep through the night. Fortunately, there are some effective tips for getting your baby to sleep that can help both you and your baby have a good night's rest. Adequate sleep is important for you and your baby's overall health and well-being.
What To Expect shared some of the most effective tips for getting your baby to sleep in an easier manner. These tips answer some of the most common concerns and questions about getting babies to sleep.
Sleeping beauty. Baby V @ 6mos.
— Peter MacKay (@PeterMacKay_) April 21, 2016
1. What Is The Best Sleep Training Method?
The best baby sleep training method depends on the parents, the baby and the entire family. The most important thing to keep in mind is to maintain a relaxing and consistent bedtime routine for the baby in order to help her settle down.
2. When Should Baby Sleep Training Begin?
Baby sleep training is one of the most effective ways for getting your baby to sleep much easily. Training should begin at around 4-months-old. "Usually by the time babies are 14 pounds, they can easily sleep through the night," What To Expect explains.
3. What Is Sleep Association?
Sleep association refers to what the baby associates bedtime with. "If your little one associates bedtime with getting a half hour of cuddles from you, she most likely won't be able to go to sleep unless she gets that half an hour of rocking time," What To Expect shares. Make sure to implement a consistent method which involves sitting beside the baby's crib to check and comfort her without rocking her to sleep.
4. Is It Okay For My Toddler To Watch TV Or Use Electronic Devices Before Bedtime?
One of the most important tips for getting your baby to sleep is to provide a relaxing time before bedtime without using electronic devices or TV. "As your brain revs up, its electrical activity increases and neurons start to race -- the exact opposite of what should be happening before sleep," WebMD reports.
What effective tips and tricks do you use for getting your baby to sleep at night? Share your personal tips with other parents in the comment section below.