10-Year-Old Boy Wrote A Touching Poem About His Condition Of Living With Autism

Children with autism rarely open up their emotions, but when they do, it will surely blow you away. One 10-year-old boy suffering from Asperger's syndrome wrote a touching poem about his life that has gone viral on social media.

What is Asperger's Syndrome?

According to Autism.org, Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism, which is a long disability of how a person makes sense of the world, how he process information and how he interacts with the people around him. This condition is sometimes referred as a spectrum disorder because it affects people in various ways.

Asperger's syndrome is not a hidden disability. You can easily tell if someone is suffering from the said condition from his or her outward appearance. Also, people with Asperger's syndrome usually struggle with social communication, social interaction and social imagination.

10-Year-Old Boy With Asperger's Syndrome Wrote A Touching Poem

While children with Asperger's Syndrome struggle to communicate, Benjamin Giroux did not. He also suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, but his poem will make you understand how deeply he feels. You will find a portion of his poem below:

"I am odd, I am new

I understand now that so are you

I say I, 'feel like a castaway'

I dream of a day that that's okay

I try to fit in

I hope that someday I do

I am odd, I am new."

Benjamin's dad Sonny Giorux explained that every line of the poem includes "I am" and "I wonder" and students are prompted to complete it. However, Benjamin wrote, "I am odd, I am new."

"We were both so proud, and yet so heartbroken, that this was how he felt," Sonny told Huffington Post. "I also wanted to show Benjamin that he is not, odd, alone, or isolated and that his diagnosis is something to embrace and not something to hold him back,"

Benjamin's poem melts the hearts of the readers that it brought tears to some and he received tons of appreciation and support from them. His dad told Today that Benjamin rarely talks about what he feels. He was supposed to read it to his class the following day, but anxiety took over that he opted to stay at home.

The poem already received over 4,000 comments and 38,000 shares.

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