The internet contains a lot of information that are helpful for women who are trying to get pregnant. However, many of them are getting confused when surfing the internet because of the conception acronyms and abbreviations they know nothing about. shared some of the most common conception acronyms found on the internet. Hopefully, knowing about these conception abbreviations can help women in preparing for pregnancy.
How a fertility tracking app could empower women
— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) April 22, 2016
1. AF
AF means Aunt Flo. This refers to menstruation period.
2. BBT
BBT is one of the most common conception acronyms you can find on the internet. This refers to your Basal Body Temperature.
BT refers to Blood Test. A blood test is a much more accurate method of checking if you are pregnant compared to the urine test. "By tracking your basal body temperature each day, you may be able to predict when you'll ovulate," Mayo Clinic explains.
Track your fertile days using ovulation sticks#conceiveplease #gettingpregnant #ovulation — ConceivePlease (@conceiveplease) April 21, 2016
4. CF
CF refers to Cervical Fluid, which can help women know if they are fertile. "Get up close and personal with this monthly wetness, whether it's slick, clear, or cloudy, so you can pinpoint a fertile moment," shares.
5. EDD
EDD means Estimated Due Date. This is the estimated day of your childbirth.
6. HCG
This acronym is very important for couples who are desperate to conceive. "The abbreviation stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, and your ob/gyn can detect it in the blood (and later in urine) during the first week or two of pregnancy," explains.
7. MC
This is one of the saddest and most common conception acronyms. MC refers to Miscarriage.
What other conception abbreviations do you know about? Share your knowledge in the comment section below.