Family vacations would be more fun if it is spent in the usual places like renting cabins in the woods or just going to the beach. Although those things are still fun and relaxing, taking your family to places where they would discover new things would be even more exciting. Here are 3 travel destinations that have mysterious things for you and the whole family to witness.
These places have mysterious things in them that even experts in the field of archeology and natural science can't explain their existence. We think it would be fun to discover them and have your family experience some of the world's untold wonders.
1. Yonaguni Monument in Japan: We would only recommend this if you and your family have been trained to do some diving underwater. This so-called underwater monument that is shaped like a pyramid can be found in Japan. What's fascinating about it is that not even experts have any idea on how they were formed. They only have theories like it could be due to a natural rock formation. Others argue that it could be man-made because it was impossible that steps and stairs were formed so intricately without the help of manpower.
2. The Codex Gigas in Stockholm: This is known as "The Devil's Bible" and it is currently kept at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm. According to legends, a monk wrote this back in the 12th century, whose words and orders came from the devil himself. But the truth is, no one really knows how it was published and if the stories behind its creation were real.
A photo posted by Kenny Smith (@yungbasquiatboi) on Apr 1, 2016 at 8:13pm PDT
3. The Antikythera Shipwreck in Greece: An item was found in this area that was named as the "first computer" because it looks like one, only it is shaped like a clock. Scientists back in those days were said to use it to predict the formation of the stars.
What do you think about these travel destinations? Share us your thoughts in the comments section below.